During the COVID 19 pandemic we have experience a decrease in air pollution worldwide. As we are living our daily experiences at home we see how the world changes around…
Sila, The Breath that Passes Through Everything.
The pandemic came in waves. The warnings of its arrival barely preceding its crashing on the shores of our expectations. It announced itself through cancellations. First came the e-mails on…
“Es hora de hacer memoria.” -Alberto Acosta
La pandemia actual, siendo uno de los problemas más graves que ha enfrentado la humanidad durante nuestras vidas, también es una oportunidad de cambiar nuestras prácticas como seres humanos, y…
Ojos vemos, sonrisas escondemos
En esta pandemia, creo que una de las cosas que más me ha impresionado, es el no poder ver la sonrisa de la gente. Creo que el gesto en las…
Biotiquines for all
This pandemic has shown the gaps of the oil-based system, hidden rooted deep within us, this pandemic force ourselves to see without the glasses of consumerism, realizing what is really…
Remembering interconnection with Nature
Remembering Huairasinchi 2007 and why we are interconnected with nature.