This time I focused on plants that are not considered “intruders” in my house. That is, the ones we have sown and cared for every day. To do this, I took pictures of the plants we are most aware of and looked for their name, and cared for in iNaturalist. I found this activity very interesting because with it we can learn the right ways to take care of our plants.
I chose “Cyclamen” to write her a letter.
Dear cyclamen,
Even if it doesn’t look like it, I’m always on the lookout for the way you blooms and falls. I remember once I told my mom that you looked like you were dehydrated since I saw you fall, and she told me it was normal for you. Now that I’ve done a bit more research on you, which I haven’t done before, I know that you look a lot like people because you give all your strength to stay awake, and when you get tired, your little flowers go down like you’re weak. However, this for me represents a break to regain strength and have your flowers open. Now I also understand why my mother did not put you in the patio, where the sunlight is very strong, but in the front door, where you have light, but no direct sunlight. Similarly, now I understand why she doesn’t water you so often, I thought it was very necessary in all plants. Finally, my favorite color is white, that’s why I like your white flowers and that’s why it caught my attention since you arrived, and more when they are blooming. I have been able to realize that the care of plants is different, and that not all of them need the same care that we all know. And now I understand how these cares are a key tool to make your flowers and leaves look so beautiful.
I’m sure we will continue to take good care of you, considering what you need and what you don’t.
Ana Gabriela Garcés.