Escucha a la naturaleza

Let’s learn to listen to the many voices of Nature! As social distancing seems to make our world smaller, let’s make it fuller by cultivating arts of attentiveness? What worlds appear when we learn to notice how our lives are entangled with human and more-than-human others?

Necesitas inspiración? Usa nuestras Actividades para guiar tu camino!


Intruders in my house

I have never really stopped to observe the little intruders that live in my home. Maybe some mosquito caught my attention at some point, but because of its unbearable sound….

Little animals

After touring my entire house and realizing all the animals we lived with, I could tell that most of them were similar or had certain similar aspects. Most of the…

A hidden city

When I did the exercise, I discovered that the places where I pay less attention or where I spend less time are where others have generated a whole city. That…


In my house during this two weeks, I wasnt able to find that much insects or animals or invasive plants since I live in an apartment. But I did go…
